
of top 20 pharma companies are clients


pharma surveys every year


interviews within pharma every year

NordiMED is highly specialised within several disease areas


Compliance with market research standards

We take an ethical responsibility in all our work. Thus we work within the code of conduct of the market research standards such as ESOMAR, the pharmaceutical research association – EphMRA and the local regulations in each country like ENLI, LiF, BHBIA, etc.

Adverse Events Reporting

Monitoring the Safety, Performance, and Quality of our clients Products is about the role NordiMED play in forwarding safety monitoring reports involving our clients’ products as soon as we become aware of them.

All personnel involved in market research at NordiMED are educated within procedures and handling of Adverse Events at least once yearly. Furthermore we encourage our clients to forward their specific description of procedures related to Adverse Event handling. This description is used for further education of our personnel and for the standard operating procedure for each client.

Contact us to gain a deeper insight on your therapeutic area.